In the first volume of the monograph Karl von Lichtenstein-Castelcorno (1624-1695), Bishop of Olomouc and Prince of Central Europe, edited by Ondřej Jakubec, a number of authors present the personality of the Prince-Bishop of Olomouc, Karel of Lichtenstein-Castelcorn, as an important patron, church leader, builder and restorer of Moravia after the Thirty Years’ War and the Swedish occupation. Zuzana Pastrňáková (formerly Orálková) and Jana Zapletalová presented previously unpublished reports on the purchase of horses or Neapolitan mules in the chapter on the import of luxury goods in the context of the life comfort of a spiritual aristocrat.
Thank you to Jana Zapletalová and Zuzana Pastrňáková for their cooperation and consent to publish the text.